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Journal of Chromatography A
Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 690, Issue 2,
Pages 155-253 (27 January 1995)

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Importance of the -amino group in the selective purification of synthetic histidine peptides by immobilised metal ion affinity chromatography, Pages 155-159
Per Hansen and Gunnar Lindeberg
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (289 K)

High-performance liquid chromatographic study of alkaline treatment of chlorophyll, Pages 161-176
M. Isabel Mínguez-Mosquera and Beatriz Gandul-Rojas
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (813 K)

Prediction of specific retention volumes in gas chromatography by using Kováts and molecular structural coefficients, Pages 177-186
J. M. Santiuste
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (437 K)

Gas chromatographic determination of volatile alkenes with on-column bromination and electron-capture detection, Pages 187-195
Cao Xu-Liang and C. Nicholas Hewitt
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (519 K)

Gas chromatographic determination of volatile alkenes by on-column bromination and electron-capture detection, Pages 197-206
D. P. Trigg, P. G. Simmonds and G. Nickless
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (576 K)

Solid-phase extraction and gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric identification of degradation products from enhanced environmentally degradable polyethylene, Pages 207-217
Ann-Christine Albertsson, Camilla Barenstedt and Sigbritt Karlsson
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (539 K)

Improved chiral stationary phase for -blocker enantioseparations, Pages 218-225
Christopher J. Welch and Scott R. Perrin
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (376 K)

Use of Sep-Pak C18 cartridges to clean up free amino acids from coniferous needles, Pages 226-229
Y. T. Kim, C. Glerum, T. L. Noland and D. Hickie
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (209 K)

Separation of polymer and on-line determination of several antioxidants and UV stabilizers by coupling size-exclusion and normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography columns, Pages 230-236
C. Nerín, J. Salafranca, J. Cacho and C. Rubio
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (348 K)

Calibration and determination of volatile fatty acids in waste leachates by gas chromatography, Pages 237-242
Giulio Manni and François Caron
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (279 K)

Recoveries of organochlorine compounds (polychlorinated biphenyls, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans) in water using steam distillation-solvent extraction at normal pressure, Pages 243-249
L. Ramos, G. P. Blanch, L. Hernández and M. J. González
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (343 K)

Supercritical fluid extraction of diosgenin from tubers of Dioscorea nipponica, Pages 250-253
Ben Liu, G. Brian Lockwood and Larry A. Gifford
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (159 K)


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